STEP Grade IV Training

Due to an ever increasing need for technical training, Criterion Equipment recognized a need to build its own internal training capacity in 2017. As such, a position of Training Officer was introduced, with a mandate to design a technical training blueprint, which would include inter-alia:

  • Conducting learning needs analyses, with the aim of developing training programs based on analyses outcomes and methodologies
  • Preparing relevant training material, with particular reference to product, brand and application
  • Deliver training courses to both the sales and technical organizations at regular intervals

The factory driven STEP program was adopted in 2018, following which, Criterion Equipment’s Training Officer attended many training interventions abroad. Equipped to execute on its mandate, Criterion Equipment’s first ever intake of STEP Grade IV learners was introduced. The program comprised theoretical as well as practical training, with continuous assessment throughout the period.

The initial intake comprised 10 learners, of which 1 resigned, and 7 progressed to the point of final examination . The Grade IV program culminated in a practical test hosted by Isando in February 2019. The results were submitted to MLAP for verification, and subsequent endorsement was received.

Management is proud to recognize the intake of learners for successfully completing the pilot STEP Grade IV training. A hearty congratulations goes out to the individuals concerned, and we look forward to supporting them, as they progress their personal skills development through to STEP Grade III this year. We concurrently wish the second intake of STEP Grade IV learners everything of the best, as they kick off their training later in the year.

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